
Who's Kid's are they?

This story makes me sick.

Why is it that parents must give specific permission before their child is able to receive OTC cold, or pain medication? Why is it not necessary to receive specific parental permission before giving a minor child birth control medicine, some of which contains powerful hormones? How is it possible that this would be medically prudent?

This is simply a trampling of parental rights. It's all politics and not at all medical.

Those who favored the plan said it isn't about encouraging premature sex, but protecting kids who don't have strong support from their parents.
"Unfortunately, not every child is getting the kind of parental involvement that is going to help keep them safe," said Richard Verrier.

What a load of sophistry.


Lignarius Rex said...

This is just typical Secular Progressive thinking. They know better about how your kids should be raised than you do. They back it up with some ambiguous drivel about how there are some bad parents out there who don’t talk to their kids about sex, and if we could save just one kid…blah blah blah.

It never ceases to amaze me that these so called champions of rights, these paragons of understanding and tolerance are generally the most intolerant and oppressive people around.

It always seems that my rights, thoughts and actions are only defended or even tolerated by these people if I am in agreement with them. If not I am shouted down, denied an opportunity to speak, marginalized and demonized as a wacko. They never will argue their opinion without personally attacking people with opposing view points.

These are the same people who have changed the argument from (Should it be legal for a mother to kill her unborn baby)? To (Does a woman have a right to privacy when it concerns her reproductive system)?

Sounds less lethal that way, don’t you think?

I’m with you Pyro. It just makes me sick!


Anonymous said...

School boards have one bureaucratic requirement for survival:

Demoralize the parents so that the parents won't fire them.

The demoralization mandate gets demonstrated through:

Faux-rational arguments

Using reason only when it suits the authorities; appeals to emotion at other times; and taking action "in the dark" at other times.

The actions of the board are not for the benefit of the kids. They are for the benefit of the board, and for the board's courtiers. Kids and parents be damned.

What are the alternatives?

Home school
Parochial school, preferably Catholic
GED Prep

Anonymous said...

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