
Tom Cruise, Lover of Firefighters?

Tom will be in New York tonight "helping" FDNY firefighters who worked at ground zero to "detox".

Now, as a Christian I have obvious disagreements with the philosophy and beliefs of scientology. But also, as a Christian and an American I don't believe that a person should be prevented from offering to help people in need of help. That said, the firefighters union (International Association of Fire Fighters), the FDNY administration, and the city government should make sure that the individual firefighters are not being preyed upon and taken advantage of in their time of need.

I don't want to rush to judgement as to the sincerity of Tom Cruise and the Scientologists who are there putting on the event. But if they are being dishonest then I hope those previously mentioned organizations do their jobs and discredit Tom, Scientology, and take the appropriate legal action. Who knows, Tom's next movie may be jailhouse theatre.


The Wheels of Justice

I'm a big fan of St. Thomas More (Sir Thomas More for those who don't believe in the Communion of Saints), so maybe that's why modern day attorneys and our justice system usually make me want to vomit.

Everybody who commits a crime ends up with a lawyer who attempts to have their client excused from justice due to circumstances beyond the clients control. Usually the defended is painted as some sort of poor helpless victim who no longer has a free will or is otherwise unable to be held responsible for his or her actions. Such is the case with the pastors wife being tried for murdering her husband.

Some of the things that she claims happened to her may very well be true. Does that mean that she can't be held accountable for her actions? What if she had gone and shoplifted? If you are treated poorly does that mean that you have license to do whatever you want?

Justice systems in Western society have become an industry. We need a philosophical return to the belief that Justice is the administration of deserved punishment or reward.



Remember the tomb of Jesus?

Remember a month or so ago when James Cameron of "Titanic" fame had this high publicity "documentary" on the Discovery channel where the burial tomb of Jesus and his family had been discovered. Jesus' "wife" Mary Magdalene was there with him of course...

Well, it seems that a bunch of the rats are jumping ship and the whole thing is being debunked by the very scientists who went on t.v. raving about the discovery.

Just goes to show that advertising money will tempt otherwise good networks to put out shotty work just in time for Christian Holy seasons like Lent, the Triduum, Advent, and Christmas. Now, where are all the anti-muslim programs during their holy days? I guess t.v. executives are just a bunch of cowardly bullies. Slap a Christian and you get the other cheek. Slap a Muslim and your house gets burned down, if your lucky.

School Shooting

A terrble tragedy at Virgina Tech results in dozens dead and dozens seriously injured.

What will come of it? I'm not sure but I suspect what we'll hear is all the usual suspects getting up on soap boxes and banging on drums. The "guns kill people" crowd will use it as yet another example of why all guns should be outlawed. The NRA people will remind everyone that someone had to pull the trigger. The shooter will turn out to be either; a spurned and/or abused homosexual, a pissed of member of a love triangle, a person who couldn't handle some bad grades, a "radical Muslim extremist", a rejected applicant to the school.

It sounds like a scene from one of Clancy's books where the terrorsists start attack poorly defended and high population targets like shopping malls.

Whatever the story ends up being there are 22 (as of right now [1000 hrs]) people senselessly murdered and thousands of lives forever scarred. Sin is a terrible thing.

I pray for the repose of their souls and for the families that are left here to suffer the loss.