
Rosie O'donnell and the Supremes

The United States Supreme Court recently ruled on a case that upheld the law passed by the United States Congress and signed into law by the President of the United States outlawing partial birth abortions (THIS LINK IS TO A PICTURE OF A PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTION, VERY VERY GRAPHIC AND MONSTROUS). For those of you not familiar with how the United States government is designed to operate, this is a fine example of all branches of the government doing exactly, and only what their job description calls for.

Some people are upset about the ruling of the Court. The court was split with the decision being only a 5-4 majority. All five of the justices in the majority happen to be Catholic. Here is an article that discusses the decision through a legal lense. Unfortunately, the second page of the article is missing.

The point I would like to make is this; Catholic politicians who support the pro-abortion movement are all sophists. It's easy for us to determine the truth not by what's defended as being authentically Catholic, but by what's never attacked based on it being authentically Catholic.

Here are examples to illuminate my point;

The Supreme Court ruled that a law passed by Congress and signed by the President wasn't unconstitutuional. Enemies of the decision rightly recognize that the authentic Catholic moral teaching is that abortion is wrong. The five Supreme Court justices who were in the majority had an opinion that was consistant with authentic Catholic moral teaching. The Justices and their decision are being attacked based on the "Establishment Clause" of the Second Ammendment, AKA "The seperation of Church and State".
Everybody recognized the actions of the subjects (S.C. Justices) to be consistant with authentic Catholic Church teaching.

Congress doesn't pass a law (June 8, 1999 HR 1906) that would have prohibited the FDA from using federal funds for the testing, development, or approval . . . of any drug for the chemical inducement of abortion" (such as the RU-486 abortion pill). Nancy Pelosi (among many other Catholic (D's) vote against this. You heard no uproar decrying the vote of Madame Pelosi and other Catholics who voted with her as some type of violation of the "separation of Church and State".
Because everyone recognizes that their votes were totally inconsistant with authentic Catholic moral teaching.

What's my point? Well, I have two...
1. The only time people get upset about Catholic moral teaching is when it stands in opposition to the sinful lifestyle they want to lead, e.g. legalizing the murder of babies in the mothers womb, not paying workers a just wage or giving them reasonably safe working conditions, using artificial contraception to limit family size with no valid moral imperative, engaging in a homosexual lifestyle...

2. "Big Tent Catholics" or those Catholics who submit that their actions are justifiable because there is more than one valid Catholic position on certain moral issues are nothing but grown children trying to validate and excuse their misbehavior. Then they present themselves for Communion as if they are "worthy to receive..." and are incredulous when it's suggested they should be denied communion because of their actions for which they are unrepentant. All the while professing to be faithful Catholics. The fact that nobody attacks them for being Catholic or for allowing their Catholic beliefs to overly influence their public actions when they do things such as vote against banning partial birth abortions speaks volumes. The silence is deafening.



Sheryl Crow, Can You Spare a Square?

This is gonna be short and sweet. It has been reported over the last week that Sheryl is encouraging everyone to cut back on their toilet paper usage. I suspect this is to save on the environmental impact of manufacturing and disposing of toilet paper/bathroom tissue. Sheryl said this, "I think we are an industrious enough people that we can make it work with only one square per restroom visit, except, of course, on those pesky occasions where two to three could be required."

Now, I commend her on the motive behind her proposal. Without getting in to what my late Grandmother termed "barn talk" I say this to Sheryl. I'm a man, you are not. I have hair on my... chest, you do not. Don't tell me what I should do until you've... walked a mile in my shoes.

It's stupid statements like Sheryl's that cause clear thinking people to discount everything they hear coming from celebrities.


Chuck Colson on the Tolerance Double Standard

I just read this column and found it disturbing. I'm not sure if I believe some of the "facts" however. Not that I think Chuck is being dishonest, I would suspect that his sources aren't accurate. I am specifically thinking here of the report that parents weren't allowed to pull their children from class when the topic was on a subject that is held by the parents, due to their religous beliefs, to be immoral. But hey, perhaps I'm naive.


Champions of Faith

I'm about 2 weeks "late" posting this.

If you love baseball, get this DVD. If you love sports, get this DVD. Or if you just love how God can work in everday peoples lives, (or in the case of millionare professional athletes; how God works in peoples lives everyday), buy this DVD.

You'll probably hear some cynical people postulate that the players featured in this DVD (and they are some BIG name players) are only chasing a buck. Some will be watching and waiting for them to do something bad (sin) and cry out, "see, they weren't sincere!" I don't feel that way. I think they are folks just like you and I who have the resources available to produce something big that people will watch because of their celebrity status. I think there intent is pure. If they do slip up and sin, as we all do, it only proves that they're fallen humans. They just have the added pressure of being in the public eye. Imagine if you had news cameras on you the entire time you worked.

Anyway... Watch the DVD's, it will be a blessing.



Global Warming

So what gives with this Global Warming stuff. I keep waiting to turn my furnace off for the year and then this stuff keeps happening.

I'll tell you what I think is an inconvenient truth. That this has been one of the coldest and snowiest winters in many many years.

Not that I doubt the scientists and and politicians, I just don't trust them.



Pagan Rejoice

Followers of Wicca have won their case and will now be able to have their Wiccan Pentacle (pentagram) engraved on their tombstones in the national cemeteries. It seems kind of odd to me however because I thought Wiccan's (aren't they the new age druids/witches/nature worshipers) would burn their dead in a funeral pyre like in the old days of Viking and Celtic history.

Oh well... maybe they'll fight for the funeral pyres next.
