
Happy Birthday

Today my 2nd turns 9. Seems like just a short time ago he was an infant. I remember when he was born (at home on purpose) how the house was electric with excitement. Even the dog was in on it. He came up after the birth, sniffed the baby, looked at the mom, sniffed the baby, looked at the mom... sighed and laid down at the doorway of the bedroom. I called the grandparents and let them listen to their new grandbaby (it was WAY early AM). One of my co-workers (paramedic) was there just in case something went wrong, because I didn't fully trust the midwife. I still shock people by reminding him in front of people not in the know, "hey, remember that time that you were in bed with my naked wife?"

Anyway, Happy Birthday K.J.S.D.


I am my own Grandpa

After reading this story I couldn't help but think of three things.

1. That country song by Ray Stevens "I'm My Own Grandpa"
2. If we don't protect the sancticty of marriage being between one man and one woman these things may soon happen in the United States.
3. Not gonna tell...

Does posting in your own blog count as being published?

I like to dabble in poetry. Every year for Christmas, I write a poem for the guys at work and give it to them as a gift. Sometimes I write parodies of famous poems, sometimes I write stuff that's solely my own. Here is a copy of this years poem. I had it printed on coffee cups.

Let me know what you think, next week I'll post what I was thinking when I wrote the poem.

The tree bears no fruit
On corpses scavengers feed
Tyranny of wind

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