
The Last March of the Ents

Read this story and tell me if it gives you the creeps also.
I just think that we may be starting something that we will lose control of.

Next thing you know, we'll be having this in our backyard...


Anonymous said...

That... "tree thing" would look SO cool in my back yard. Right next to the Gnome village.

Do those poplar / rabbit mixes actually walk? Because that picture sure makes it look like they do.

Anonymous said...

PS: How do those poplar / rabbit things reproduce? Is it more like how trees reproduce, or how rabbits reproduce?

That would be a cool YouTube video.

Lignarius Rex said...


You sir, are an ungenius.

Lignaius Rex

Anonymous said...

Keep in mind that on the last day of the month, lots of halloween pranksters will be exposed. Is this one? Rabit tree, who ever heard of such a thing!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

You are not a nice man sir!!
Just because I typed to fast and I muffed my name is no reason to gloat.

At least I can present a coherent argument on my posts.

You,...not so much.


Anonymous said...
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