
Foster Parents Union

It seems that State foster parents are the latest group to feel the need to resort to organizing in to a union. The interesting thing is, most of the foster parents I know are committed Christians who do foster parenting out of Gospel charity. Most unions walk lock step with the Democracts. Will this lead to a union that is mostly conservative in practice? I don't know, but I wish them luck against the State and the leftist/sucular elitists who run the DSHS offices. I know two foster parents very well and over the last 10 years the training they have to attend has become inundated with crap from the Gay lobby. It's pretty disgusting. Isn't it ironic that the gays are some of the loudest complainers of "legislating morality"? Anyway, unionizing is always done in response to poor treatment. What has changed for foster parents in the last 10 years except for a State DSHS that has careened off to the mucky swamp that's left of the road?



Mel Gibson's new movie, APOCALYPTO

I just watched the trailer for Mel's new movie Apocalypto. The movie is set in Mayan times and from what I can gather, has several storylines. One storyline follows a group of Mayans who are competing in a tournament of a Mayan game that is a cross between soccer and basketball. From watching the trailer I believe that the bigger storyline is the fall of the Mayan empire, or at least the fall of a certain group from power within the Mayan empire. It looks to me as if the movie will be awesome. If you like Mel's typical genre of movies, then this will definately be a must see. I think Mel is making a commentary on modern times with this film. There is a caption during the trailer that reads "A great civilization is not conquered from without, until it has destroyed itself from within". This is a Will Durant quote. My mind races as I plug in all the current situations which this quote indicts. Christiandom and the splintering of her children in to competing factions. Western society with it's gangreous limbs and diseased heart swallowing all manner of poison in the disorded desire to consume all that presents itself as nourishment. American liberals and conservatives and their reinterpretation of the founding documents, and the intent of the document's writers, in a misguuided desire to lend historicity and authority to the current philosophical errors of modernism.

On whatever level you decide to view the film, it should be an enjoyable exerience.


Another Beheading

It appears as if the Islamists have brought more non-Muslims to "justice". The remains of the two American soldiers from the 502 Infantry Regiment who were missing have apparantly been found by American forces. My question is this: is all this violence being perpetrated by Muslims in the name of Allah simply a case of a rogue group using "God" as their justification and recruiting tool for seeking power and riches? Or is the end goal of Islam really world domination, subjugation, and conversion by any means necessary?
