
Rising Awareness?

This writer seems to understand the problem. Similar statements have been made by the last two Popes. Pope Benedict XVI is picking up the pace and frankness of this call to the faith in Europe.


small potatoes

This is fine but...

how about big oil?



Aquinas on Marriage?

Found this interesting defense of marriage at this blog. It's modeled after St. Thomas Aquinas' writings.


When I was in the Navy and went on liberty I did crazy things like watch movies, go to a pub, go fishing, or go sightseeing. This guy had other things in mind.

What the...?????


It's ok, they're just getting even.

What do islamic militants and the Western liberals have in common? It's always someone elses fault, usually your own.

I guess it's a matter of perspective if you're the oppressor getting what you deserve or a helpless victim who needs government assistance and can't be blamed for anything.



Test Tube Father

In case you weren't paying attention, the first mammals have been "reproduced" using artificial sperm created from embryonic stem cells. It is being hailed as a breakthrough that could help wipe out male infertility. How wonderful!! It really is a brave new world. There's no need for women or men having babies anymore, in fact, it will be preferred that they don't. In a laboratory scientist will be able to control all aspects of the future being. No more birth defects like freckles or flat feet. If a war is coming you just up the production of people for the fight. In fact, maybe people could be produced for the express purpose of being warriors!

The future's so bright I gotta wear shades.

What was it Paul VI said about reproduction?
Or how about John Paul II?

Pope Paul VI actually predicted that if people didn't embrace the traditional Christian teaching on contraception that four major things would occur. Those are... (thanks to Janet Smith from Univ. Dallas)

1. lead to conjugal infidelity and the general lowering of morality
2. the man" will lose respect for "the woman" and "no longer (care) for her physical and psychological equilibrium" and will come to "the point of considering her as a mere instrument of selfish enjoyment and no longer as his respected and beloved companion
3. widespread acceptance of contraception would place a "dangerous weapon... in the hands of those public authorities who take no heed of moral exigencies (China's and other country's forced abortion programs when you have excess pregnencies)
4. Pope Paul's final warning was that contraception would lead man to think that he had unlimited dominion over his own body (we see this not only in sterilizations but in test tube babies and now cloning)


Good News From Iraq

The Iraqi government has requested that the UN revoke American forces immunity from the Iraqi legal system. This is in light of recent crimes that some soldiers have been accused of. I see this as a positive thing, not throwing our citizens at the "mercy" of the Iraqi courts, but that they must be close to being able to stand on it's own if they are ready to do something like this.



Sonar settlement

Seems that our submarines will be able to use active sonar after all in the excercises off Hawaii. The whales aren't innocent in this whole thing however. I remember on one patrol when a whale rammed my submarine after hitting us with his SONAR.



Looks like Mexico has encountered the same situation with their leftists that Washington encountered in the last Gubernatorial election. Some people just can't accept losing. Why is it when liberals/leftists lose an election they refuse to acknowledge that their views/positions are what the voters were rejecting? The same thing happens with failed school levies, the teachers and their cronies come out with all types of statements asserting that the voters just didn't understand. Boo Hoo!! They can't believe for a second that their ideas and plans are what the voters reject. It's like that line from the movie "Princess Bride" when Vizinni keeps saying "Inconceivable!" whenever something he doesn't like happens and finally Inigo replies "You keep on using that word. I do not think it means, what you think it means."
