It seems that the three step is alive and well at the top of the Democratic National Committee. In an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network, Howard Dean "
misstated" the party's platform on marriage. Now I understand that an illegal alien is really an "undocumented worker", and being in favor of murdering innocent babies inside their mothers wombs is called being "pro-choice", so I guess I understand why purposely lying through your teeth is called "misstating". It sounds so much nicer. You see, misstating can be an accident. A person can be confused and unintentionally give false facts. But, lying involves a premeditated desire to fool someone. That's what Howard Dean was doing when he backpedaled from his interview statements, he lied. He not only lied during the interview when he told the interviewer that the Dems platform was that marriage was between a man and a woman, he lied when he said he misstated. Besides, look at the way he worded it, "...between a man and a woman..." there's wiggle room built in to his words where he could say, "we believe that getting married is up to whatever the man or woman wants". Whatever, It brings to mind the only thing I specifically recall John Kerry saying during his presidential run. He was in Tacoma Washington at a Kerry rally surrounded by Union people and espescially firefighters. He says, "values stated without actions taken are just empty slogans!" There was a roar from the crowd. I was thinking of the irony of his statement. Just the day prior he made a big deal out of stating his values regarding abortion. He stated that he was personally opposed to abortion but that he supported the law as it was on the books because that was his job as a Senator". What a bunch of $%^&
Every Catholic Democrat who uses that "While I'm personnaly opposed..." is a liar. And when they lie they are speaking their native tongue.