
Happy Mother's Day

To all mothers out there, a big Happy Mother's Day!!


Anonymous said...


A big Happy Mothers day to my (and Pyro's) mother.

We love you and wish you the best.

Mike. (Your favorite son)

Pyrosapien said...

Don't anybody believe Mike. Mom doesn't even like him. She told me so when she was sick and I was taking care of her while he was off playing around on vacation. He even went a whole YEAR without visiting her. He had some lame excuse about being "out of town". What a crock. I remember when we were kids how he used a wooden spoon against her and made her cry!! Boy did Dad light him up. Can you believe I got in trouble also just for being there when it happened? Besides, how much could she like him naming him after some child molesting pop star!

Pyro (the real favorite son)

Anonymous said...

I would like to wish a happy mothers day to Auntie M, by the way she always told me I was the favorite???


Anonymous said...

Yes indeed, A very Happy Mother's Day to Mom-in-Law and to Pyro's wife.... who, in fact, is the favorite daughter-in-law. Mom-in-law told me so when she was sick.


Anonymous said...

You all may claim to be the favorite son(s) or nephew, daughter-in-law, etc, however I have thew noble distiniction of being her favorite brother. And thats all there is to say about that.


Anonymous said...

Please, Ladies........

All this yada-yada about who the favorite this or that.

You are all forgetting about the most important thing. MOTHER!!!!

See Mom? I told you they were no good.

Love Mike. (your FAVORITE son)