
New Archbiship of Washington DC

Pope Benedict XVI has named Pittsburgh Bishop Donald Wuerl as Cardinal McCarrick's replacement. Often, the Pope will allow a Bishop to remain in place well after the mandatory retirement age of 75. This will not be the case with Cardinal McCarrick. There could be several ways of looking at this. One way is that Cardinal McCarrick is wanting to fade away from the public spotlight and relax in retirement. Another way to look at it is that the Pope wants to help alter the course of the American episcopate. Again, the Pope could just be showing that he intends to adhere closely to the rules which are in place as opposed to making exceptions the rule.

Cardinal McCarrick in my memory was unremarkable in his highly visible role as Cardinal Archbishop of Washington D.C. He had many opportunities to staunchly defend life and to stop the scandal of pro-abortion politicians visibly and publicly participating in the Sacramental life of the Church at Mass through the reception of Holy Communion. Bishop Wuerl had much the same stance however, so perhaps there will be no change. Maybe Bishop Wuerl, in his new role, will feel less compelled to adhere to the principle of collegiallity and more compelled to adhere to orthopraxic principles.

One thing for certain though, Bishop Wuerl is an accomplished teacher of the faith.

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