
single gender schools

Just read this article, and it brings to mind something. The use of the words "equal" and "same". For some of today's people, the words are synonyms. In actuality they are not. I don't have the same rules for each of my kids (because of age differences). I don't treat all people the same. That doesn't mean that I don't use equal fairness when interacting with others. Men and women are not the same. They are, however, equal in dignity. Because of their equal dignity they deserve to be treated justly.

I believe that history bears out that single gender education is effective and cuts out lots of problems that are present when the genders are mixed. Many private schools have been doing it for hundreds of years.

The complaints against single gender schools are mostly red herrings that are being fished up to support an agenda. After all, if we recognize that women and men aren't the same (and they aren't) then somehow the genderless, same sex marriage, homosexual adoption, secular feminist, agendas will be defeated. Right? I don't know, but those seem to be the groups that fight against it. Sometimes it's easier to pick a side on an issue when you see where your enemies line up.

Do you think it bothers the left that TITLE IX was championed and signed in to law by President Richard Nixon?


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