

Outraged over Pope Benedict XVI's remarks made during a speech in Germany, Muslims worldwide are calling for a personal apology. The link above will provide for you the text of the Pope's remarks. In short, he cited a 14th century text from a Christian Emperor that characterized Islam as violent, and that that violent spreading of a religion is wrong.

Now to the Muslim world... So outrage by this unfair assesment, or reading of a 14th century assesment, they are rioting and burning the Pope in effigy. So let me get this staight, It's not acceptable to call Islam violent. If you do make the mistake of calling them violent, they burn you in effigy, fire bomb your churches, and recall their ambassadors.

I told a guy at work that he swears and curses too much. He told me to #$%@ &@#. Nothing like proving someones point. I'm glad that the pink elephant is starting to be pointed out.


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