
Remember the tomb of Jesus?

Remember a month or so ago when James Cameron of "Titanic" fame had this high publicity "documentary" on the Discovery channel where the burial tomb of Jesus and his family had been discovered. Jesus' "wife" Mary Magdalene was there with him of course...

Well, it seems that a bunch of the rats are jumping ship and the whole thing is being debunked by the very scientists who went on t.v. raving about the discovery.

Just goes to show that advertising money will tempt otherwise good networks to put out shotty work just in time for Christian Holy seasons like Lent, the Triduum, Advent, and Christmas. Now, where are all the anti-muslim programs during their holy days? I guess t.v. executives are just a bunch of cowardly bullies. Slap a Christian and you get the other cheek. Slap a Muslim and your house gets burned down, if your lucky.

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