
School Shooting

A terrble tragedy at Virgina Tech results in dozens dead and dozens seriously injured.

What will come of it? I'm not sure but I suspect what we'll hear is all the usual suspects getting up on soap boxes and banging on drums. The "guns kill people" crowd will use it as yet another example of why all guns should be outlawed. The NRA people will remind everyone that someone had to pull the trigger. The shooter will turn out to be either; a spurned and/or abused homosexual, a pissed of member of a love triangle, a person who couldn't handle some bad grades, a "radical Muslim extremist", a rejected applicant to the school.

It sounds like a scene from one of Clancy's books where the terrorsists start attack poorly defended and high population targets like shopping malls.

Whatever the story ends up being there are 22 (as of right now [1000 hrs]) people senselessly murdered and thousands of lives forever scarred. Sin is a terrible thing.

I pray for the repose of their souls and for the families that are left here to suffer the loss.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen. Is this nation of ours more sinful as we rush mindless along, or is the media in our face every day & night highlight the suffering of fellow humans. Where are the good people in this country. The answer? I met many in ND just last week at a funeral of a man who had lived nearly 87 years AND was loved by his family & friends who honered him on a cold, windy, snowy day as we put his body to rest. AMEN