
Todays Gospel

I heard an interesting sermon, (part of one at least) commenting on todays Gospel reading John 20: 19-31. It was the first day (Sunday) and all the Apostles were gathered together except for Thomas. So in a sense, it was Sunday and Thomas wasn't at church (it obviously wasn't Easter or Christmas). Maybe he was cleaning his house or watching a donkey race. He could have just been sleeping in because he was tired... who knows. Not being at church caused him to miss Jesus! He missed out on something wonderful. Imagine missing church and when you talk to someone who had been at church you hear this fantastic tale of Jesus appearing and doing some incredible things!! Thomas didn't believe what he was told, but he did go to church the next Sunday. You all know the rest of the story.

Don't wait to be told that something remarkable and out of the ordinary happened at church when you weren't there before you decide to go "check it out". Don't miss Jesus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice point Steve.