
Immigration, war, gas prices

There are several great debates going on in our country right now; illegal immigration, the war on terror, price of petroleum fuels, The Da Vinci Code...

Ha ha... for those of you who thought I was going to get political, I'm not. That will come later in my life as a blogger. Those of you who know me understand that I have some rather strong views on certain issues. Issues which are championed by different political parties. That makes for some interesting decision making for me at election time. But, here I will address the industry that is "The Da Vinci Code" henceforward referred to as "DVCI".

I have not read the book, seen the movie, or read any of the books written to counter "The Da Vinci Code", I have only read reviews, (both pro and con). In reviews I have learned that some things are promoted by the book such as Jesus never died by crucifixion, he married and had children, there was a big cover up of these truths. I constantly hear in defense of DVCI that it is only intended to be a work of fiction. I don't believe it. It is intended to make some people rich. It is intended to discredit the Church. It is intended to lead people away from Christianity.

Imagine if you will that someone wrote a book about _______________ (insert the name of an actual historical leader that you love and follow such as; your father, a former president, religious leader) purporting that they never did something that is key to their history. Then imagine that the story attests to the fact that they led a life 180 degrees opposite of their actual history. That is the DVCI.

As I stated earlier, I have never read the book but... in all works of fiction I have ever read there is a disclaimer. The disclaimer states that any resemblence to actual persons or events is simply coincidence. I doubt that this book has that disclaimer. If it does the writer should be sued. If it doesn't he should be sued.

If you are interested in reading some books or viewing some media which point out the errors of DVCI here is a list.

The Da Vinci Hoax
The Da Vinci Deception
Cracking the Da Vinci Code
De-coding Da Vinci: The facts behind the fiction of The Da Vinci Code
The Da Vinci Hoax: Exposing the Errors in The DaVinci Code
Fact and Fiction in the Da Vinci Code


Anonymous said...

But, how do you know it's not true?

Wheres YOUR proof?

Anonymous said...


How can you prove that the Da Vinci code is any less truthful than your belief system.

Try to answer me without falling into Sophistry, the way your kind usualy does.

Peace Out

Pyrosapien said...

I have been away from the computer for a while so sorry I didn't respond in a timely manner. How do I know The Da Vinci Code is false you ask?

"Anonymous said...
But, how do you know it's not true?

Wheres YOUR proof?"

And "how can you prove..."


How can you prove that the Da Vinci code is any less truthful than your belief system.

Try to answer me without falling into Sophistry, the way your kind usualy does.

Peace Out

I guess I'd have to start out my answer for these questions with a very basic and broad assertion. I believe in God. By God I mean I believe that there is a creator of all things that exist with one exception, there is no creator of the creator. There is an initial cause of all things, this is both a theological fact and a scientific fact. In my contemplation of this truth and in studying the different belief systems in the world, both traditional and nontraditional from a Western sense, I came to believe that the traditional Christian (Catholic) belief system was true. There really isn't space in a short blog to go into all the reasons and arguements that I encountered and reconciled regarding all those belief systems.

Now, directly addressing your challenges. I listed several resources that would do a great job of informing you of the facts regarding the fallacies in the DVCI. You are either genuine or disingenuous in your curiosity. I assume you are disingenuous. By this I mean that you would, regardless of the facts, choose to not believe the Catholic Church's history and beliefs regarding Jesus and the Church that He founded. You don't want the Church to be correct, therefore you embrace the latest "real Jesus" story. If you had been around at the time of Arius in the 4th century, you would probably have jumped on the bandwagon that Jesus was not a co-eternal person of the Trinity along with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Or perhaps you would have embraced a late 1st early 2nd century belief called Docetism, the denial that Christ was really human.

In conclusion I would just point out two things; one- what is your motivation for the beliefs you have, two- if you feel compelled to believe something, who is the compeller.

You can accuse me of sophistry if you like.

And to anti-antisophist I ask what you mean by "...your kind..." (Try to answer me without falling into Sophistry, the way your kind usualy does.) Do you mean to categorize me and all other union firefighters as disingenuous and tricky promoters of ideas? Or maybe me and all the other AFL-CIO members are who you are being prejudiced and intollerant of? Do you just mean all men? Or maybe you mean everyone who has a blog? You couldn't possibly be bigoted and prejudiced against believers of specific religions such as Islam, Hindu, Buddhism, Christianity, Wicca...

Peace in Christ


Anonymous said...

Ladies, ladies, ladies...

If you want proof, stick to mathematics or booze.

One doesn't prove belief systems. One practices a belief system. Otherwise, it isn't REALLY belief, is it?

Belief systems arise from individual and community experience; from received traditions; from holy texts and their interpretations; and from reason applied to these elements.

One wouldn't try to "prove" that one's child is beautiful, and one shouldn't try to "prove" one's belief system. In both cases, however, one should live in a manner consistent with those beliefs.


Sophos Moronum

Pyrosapien said...

Thanks for the lecture on proof Pontius. quid est veritas? I find your post incredibly ironic. You go through all the effort to educate us as to how one should put their belief system in to action by living in a manner consistent with those beliefs, (Which is what we were doing). However, when our actions/assertions are measured by you according to your belief system, you determine that we are wrong in the manner we are living our belief system. Who's impossing who's beliefs on whom?

One thing in your post is correct, or at least half correct. Your name!

Pax Christi


Anonymous said...

And then, there are absolutes. Beliefs and absolutes... I believe that God is absolute, an atheist would disagree with my belief. But, here's the kicker, The Triune God is absolute whether you believe in Him or not. Proof you ask? I'm alive.

Anonymous said...


It pleases me that you found my musings instructive, though they hardly merit the title "lecture". I assure you, the "all the effort" you referred to was quite modest.

It was not my intent to suggest that you or anyone else was doing anything wrong -- merely that it I regard "proof" as irrelevant to the practice of faith.

Your mileage may vary.

Please accept my apologia for the "ladies" salutation. It was inappropriate for my initial post on this blog.

Sophos Moronum