
Pull Your Pants Up!!

I must be officially old. It drives me up the wall when I see guys (and sometimes girls?!?!) with their pants like this.

This is a funny campaign for a city to have to do on a billboard. I can't see this working though. At least Dallas is trying though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I work for a large aircraft manufacturing company in the greater Seattle area. Having worked at this place for some time, 19 years, seeing groups of new (younger)people walking through the door with one hand on their pants to keep them up was amusing at first. Recently I have been promoted and now I have a few people working for me that have this problem. Hard to work with one hand on the pants. A new rash, pardon the word, of HR problems have started to occur now, workers being offended by butt crack visability aka plumbers butt. What has this world come to...