
level III sex offender at church

This Lutheran church is having to make a big decision on what their actions should be. A level III sex offender is wanting to attend services for the stated reason that it will help him to get better.

What should they do? What is their obligation?

I think I lean toward allowing his attendance at the Sunday service. I would have some stipulations such as:

1. he would have to sit in the front row
2. he would not be allowed to talk with any children
3. he would have escorts assigned to him
4. he would be required to be in the presence of his escorts 100% of the time
5. he would be required to be escorted to and from his vehicle
6. he would have to show monthly proof to the pastor that he was actively receiving mental health treatment
7. he would have to agree to allow his computer to be picked up from his home at any time for the purpose of reviewing his internet activity
8. he would be required to provide/allow his phone records to be reviewed whenver requested

maybe I'm going overboard, but if he's sincere then these things shouldn't be a problem. And the offender can look at all these things as part of his penance for his sins


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