

When I was in the Navy and went on liberty I did crazy things like watch movies, go to a pub, go fishing, or go sightseeing. This guy had other things in mind.

What the...?????


Anonymous said...

Mercy, Mercy, Mercy. And the couple's reply was that they were happy to be alive and together. No angry comments towards the sailor. Maybe the ire will come later.

But, on a more happy note... I recall when a really swell guy surprised me by coming home on liberty on my birthday (in the Army, they refer to it as R&R)...

I have no pictures of this life-altering moment. Sure, I have pictures in my head - but what happens when those images fade? (Pyro? Who's Pyro? Was he there taking pictures on that eventful day? You say he helped plan it? I have no recollection... )

However, there is one thing I do remember: Today is that swell guy's Birthday. Happy Birthday, Sweetheart!!


Pyrosapien said...

I am red faced. I will fix the problem.