
I am my own Grandpa

After reading this story I couldn't help but think of three things.

1. That country song by Ray Stevens "I'm My Own Grandpa"
2. If we don't protect the sancticty of marriage being between one man and one woman these things may soon happen in the United States.
3. Not gonna tell...


Anonymous said...

"YO" Antisophist, What are the orgins of the name "antisophist? Is it something like Anthropopyagus?

Anonymous said...

I don't get it.......

I was hoping you could explain the song to me.

Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous,

I think you spelled it wrong. How do you do that when you have spellcheck at your disposal.......You ungenius!

Main Entry: an·thro·poph·a·gus
Pronunciation: -f&-g&s
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural an·thro·poph·a·gi /-f&-"gI, -"jI, -"gE/
Etymology: Latin, from Greek anthrOpophagos, from anthrOp- + -phagos -phagous

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Kyle!
Hello to the rest of the family.
Uncle Fred & Betty

Anonymous said...


Pyrosapien said...

Some answers to ananymous.

A sophist is a person who practices sophism.

A plausible but fallacious argument.
Deceptive or fallacious argumentation.

[Middle English sophime, sophisme, from Old French sophime, from Latin sophisma, from Greek, from sophizesthai, to be subtle, from sophos, clever, wise.]


n : a deliberately invalid argument displaying ingenuity in reasoning in the hope of deceiving someone [syn: sophistry, sophistication]

As an antisophist I crusade against invalid, specious, and disingenuous argumentation.

A good example of sophism in action was when President Bill Clinton excused his lying by appealing to what the perception of the word is is.

Coming full circle, the words antisophist and anthropophagus are not related except for their Greek orgins. I practice anthropophagus. That is because I have a true understanding of the word is, unlike President Clinton. Jesus Christ said in MATT 26:26-28, "...Take, eat; this is my body... drink of it all of you, for this is my blood..." The Romans understood this back in the 1st though 4th century because being anthropophagites is one of the things the early Christians where accused of.