I took three hours off from work on Sunday so that I could go to 11:00 Mass. I was scheduled to be the MC (master of ceremonies) so I needed to be there by 10:30. The MC acts as the primary assistant to the Priest when there is no Deacon present. As MC, I ensure that the other altar servers (boys between the ages of 9-18) do their assignments properly. I set the Altar for the Liturgy of the Eucharist (communion) and clean it after the consecration. This Sunday we had a wonderful visiting Priest who is a missionary in Tanzania.
After Mass I returned to my car so that I could get back to work. My car had a flyer under the windshield. The flyer was about being "born again". The gist of it was that to be born again you had to "accept Jesus in your heart as your personal Lord and Savior". I agree with this, but what it means, and what it means to the writer of this pamphlet is not exactly the same. There were several Bible verses that, I guess, were supposed to prove the theology of what the pamphlet proposed. The short story is that Catholics aren't saved but if we recite the sinners prayer that was provided in the pamphlet, we surely would be... forever!!
Now, I have some theological differences with all Christians who aren't Catholic. I have more theological commonness than differences with them however. I have no problem discussing these differences with them. And I enjoy discussing our commonality even more. They are often surprised at how much we agree on. I think this is because there are many untruths told to people about Catholic teaching due to ingnorance and sometimes, unfortunately, out of bigotry.
I would never go to some other Christian's church who follows a different tradition than me, and pamphlet their cars. Espescially while they were inside celebrating Jesus. I would never go to a synagogue during their service and pamphlet their cars explaining how they should embrace Jesus as the long awaited Messiah. I believe in evangelizing. But it needs to be in the proper time and place. It is imprudent, demeaning, cowardly, and ignorant to do what these pamphleteers did, IMHO.
I guess these guys (the pamphleteers) just have a corner on the truth. Must be nice to be infallible. Oh wait, no one's infallible... no wait... it's just that AntiChrist the Pope who isn't infallible, the pastor of the local church of the Gospel Truth founded in 1998 is infallible because he teaches that the Whore of Babylon is the Catholic Church and that the bread and grape juice at communion are just symbols of the body and blood of Christ, (uuuhhhhhh [BIG BREATH]) and that the world was created in six 24 hour days with a day of rest just like it says in Genesis because the Bible is literally true. Ummmmm.... why isn't the bread and wine at communion really the body and blood of Christ if the Bible is literally true??? Hold it... why did God wait until 1998 to get the word out infallibly..?
So... Do I write to the P.O. box that was on the pamphlet? Is it worth it? Where would I begin?
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I suppose it depends on how valuable you consider your time. Of course the whole idea of the flyers on your windshield was to engage you in discussion, perhaps even to gain a convert. As for me, I don't throw them aside (that would be littering) they go into the litter bag I carry in my car. Enjoy your summer!!
Hi Pyro,
I agree with Uncle (Hi Uncle!). How much time do you have? How much motivation? What would motivate you do engage them? For me, in all honesty, I would be vascillating between a selfish desire to prove them wrong, and a more proper motive of finding the commoness and unity, which you remarked on earlier. Born Again - is that when you are Baptized? Dead to sin but alive in Christ?
Sola Fide, Sola Gratia, Sola Scriptura
I think what I'll do is send them back their pamphlet with the proper corrections. I'll probably just copy their format but inject it with some truth.
As ADD pointed out, my motivation should be proper. It probably won't be, I just want to refute them.
Funny thing is, they even had John 3 in their pamphlet (born of water and spirit...) but somehow they miss the fact that Baptism is being referenced.
Sola Verbum Dei
I have found that anyone who would bother to post something like that on your car is currently in a spiritually deafened state due to their audacity. My wife commented the other day that a Fundamentalist we know "just isn't ready to become a Catholic right now", after getting wind of some ludicrous things he said about Catholicism. That's putting it graciously.
Most Protestants learn what they know about Catholicism from bigoted literature since it dominates their market. Fortunately, most Protestants don't know this information is bigoted, which is a grace of ignorance for them. Most really don't know any better, being surrounded by myths and lies. There are better sources of information - one has to simply look. But one has to get a good word in edgewise for the One True Faith before they just might look. It simply never occurs to most Protestants to get a Catholic book about Catholicism. The devil's main weapon is preventing education!
I just posted a link to this at my Catholic news website, Bon Report.
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