I guess I'm not to smart. About two weeks ago I was sitting here at the computer in the morning with the Today Show on in the background. This morning I had a CBS program (Early Show) on. Their first two stories were typical of MSM "news". First, the anchor reported two facts. The congress was one vote away from passing legislation that would support a Constitutional amendment which restricted burning the American flag. The second was about the leaking of American activities by the New York Times regarding the tracking of overseas financial transactions in order to combat terrorism.
I won't even get in to how I feel about both of those topics. They made the report and then cut to their Washington correspondent live in front of the White House. The correspondant assured all the viewers that there was no substance or sincerity to either issue and that it is all simply midterm election posturing. And in regards to the info leak, it was simply the administration making a lot of noise regarding an issue that is their only strongpoint. Please...! either the Bush Administration is wrong in the war on terror or their right, you can't have it both ways CBS!
This all reminds me of the scene from the Wizard of OZ when Toto pulls back the curtain revealing the secret of the "Wizard". And the "Wizard" shouts, "pay no attention to that man behind the curtain"!! in other words, don't believe the facts of what you see, believe in the fantasy with which you are presented.
I can only state one of my dad's well-used quotes:
"Believe nothing that you hear and only half of what you see."
And, I'm slowly incorporating that philosophy into my children's education.
Your Dad is a wise man ADD. I won't tell you what he told me to do to you...
When it comes to reading the news reports, one must consider why it's written & by whom and also the motives of those reporting & publishing. Of course there are many honest, trustworth publishers and reporters, but they too can make errors in reporting "facts". So as "add's" daddy has taught her it is well worth considering when reading a "news story"
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