This letter is an edited form of a previous one I wrote to a different audience. I sent it to both my Senators. Please contact your senators also. We must stop abortion from being funded in the socialized "healthcare" plans being pushed by the liberals at the bidding of the communist President of the United States of America.
Madam Senator,
For the last 15 years as a professional firefighter, I have been privileged to belong to a labor union. In that time, I have served in various capacities including my current position as Vice President. I believe this membership in a labor union is a privilege for several reasons; early in my career I benefitted from my Local leadership’s dedication to ensuring that all represented employees are treated with justice. Also, my membership has afforded me the opportunity to express to those with opposing viewpoints and opinions the moral and philosophical justification of the labor movement in regards to workers rights, and its’ contribution to a just society.
I realize that for some, membership in a union is simply a necessity of employment with the only requirement being the payment of monthly dues. For others, it’s no different than membership in some social fraternal organization (e.g. the “Elks”, “Eagles”, or “American Legion”). For many it is seen as an opportunity to have a voice in the workplace and in local, state, and national political discourse. For me it’s all of those things, and something much more. Before I explain, let me ask:
Do you support the labor movement? Do you promote the cause of workers receiving a livable wage? Do you believe that the hours of work required of laborers should be limited by contract rules and statutes that include mandatory overtime pay? Should employers be responsible for providing a workplace free of unnecessary health risks and disparity in the treatment of workers based on their race, creed, skin color, gender, or religious affiliation?
Are your answers to those questions simply your opinion? Is there no right or wrong answer? Is your “yes” simply because supporting and promoting those causes puts money into your pocket, improves your economic and social condition, or keeps you in office? Does it come down to the simple idea of “Might makes Right” born of the 18th century “Will to Power” philosophers that inspired Marxism and National Socialism? Does being in power make you right and establish or prove the truth of those positions regarding worker’s or anyone else’s rights? Is there no right or wrong but only the powerful and the powerless?
I think not. I believe that the cause for worker’s rights is worthy of being supported because they are based on an objective moral truth. That is; all people have the right to be treated with dignity, respect, and justice by the simple fact that they are human persons. Collectively; worker’s rights, minority rights, religious rights, freedom of speech, freedom of self determination… are basic human rights issues. Those who are powerless are still entitled to those rights (such as the people in Darfur) and when deprived of them, it is recognized as a human rights violation.
To deprive someone of these rights is an injustice. All injustices are wrong. However, some injustices have more grave consequence for the victim than others do. Therefore it can be said that all injustices are equally wrong, but all wrongs are not equally unjust. For Example; it is rightly recognized by our judicial system that stealing a pack of gum is an injustice and is therefore against the law (a misdemeanor). Embezzling someone’s pension is also stealing, but is a worse injustice and therefore the consequences of breaking that law are greater (a felony with prison time).
As you readily see, the more grave the consequence of a wrong, the worse the injustice that has been committed. The Founding Father’s of our country rightly recognized that we have "...certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness...” arranged in that order out of right reason not coincidence. To pursue happiness you must be free, to be free you must first be alive! To be alive is the foundation of all these rights because we're talking about a human person who is alive.
To work for the protection of people’s rights in regards to workers justice is good. But, it is only good as long as you are not denying them a superior right. You can't promote a grave injustice while protecting a hierarchically inferior issue of social justice. To do so opposes the integration of human rights into our society, thus disintegrating human rights.
The protection of innocent human life, from conception to natural death, must be promoted by elected officials, organized labor, and all interested in a civil society. This encompasses the issues of abortion, destructive embryonic stem cell research, human cloning, and euthanasia (“death with dignity”). To promote other human rights issues at the expense of, or while simultaneously attacking a hierarchically superior right, (specifically the right to life upon which all other human rights are contingent), is an abomination of justice.
Every day approximately 3,200 (ref. CDC 2008 statistics) unborn infants lives’ are ended through procured abortions in the United States. It is the single most important human rights issue of our time, and I daresay, of all time. We must protect and promote the rights of workers to fair wages, reasonable hours, and healthy working conditions. Just not at the expense of innocent people’s lives.
Voting for a healthcare bill that supports this human rights violation is not warranted. Especially by a Senator who professes to support worker’s rights. Please act in concert with your professed morals and do not support any healthcare bill which funds abortion.
President Obama Infanticide/Eugenics/Euthanasia Tracker
- January 22, 2009: Affirmed his dedication to "reproductive freedom" in a speech commemorating the anniversary of the Roe ~Vs~ Wade decision.
- January 23, 2009: Nullified the Mexico City Policy, freeing up federal tax dollars for worldwide organizations that provide abortion services in order to promote "family planning".
- February 27, 2009: President Obama announces that the health care workers "Conscience Clause" put in place in the previous administration would be reviewed and probably changed because it could impinge on a womans right to receive medical care (have her baby killed).
- Marcy 9, 2009: rescinds ban on embryonic stem cell research
- March 18, 2009: Though the economy is in turmoil, Obama sends $50,000,000 to the United Nations Population Fund. An organization that violates human rights through supporting coerced and forced sterilizations and abortions in China.
- Appointments reflect a contempt for protecting innocent lives, e.g.
· Rahm Emmanual: Chief of Staff (100% pro-abortion record as a congressman)
· Melody Barnes : Domestic Policy Adviser (former board member of Planned Parenthood Action Fund)
· Ellen Moran: Communications Director (former executive director of pro-abortion PAC Emily’s List)
· Hillary Clinton: Secretary of State (long record of extreme pro-abortion activity as First Lady, NY Senator)
· Kathleen Sebelius: Health & Human Services Secretary (extreme pro-abortion record [but still a “good Catholic”])
· More to come… - FOCA Obama: on July 17, 2007, Obama said, "The first thing I'd do as president is sign the Freedom of Choice Act. That's the first thing that I'd do." FOCA Bill about to be reintroduced in both houses at Obama's urging (early 2009).
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