

I'm in the process of rebuilding my links that I lost when I had an "accident" while editing my blog. Here is a short explanation of each of the links:

1. Google; if you don't know what this is, you shouldn't be on the internet.
2. Catholic Exchange: a site that has news, articles, faith formation and such.
3. Mark Shea: An author who writes lots of short essays, full length books,
and runs a blog called Catholic and Enjoying it. He is an adult convert
from an Evangelical background.
4. Communio: A trade magazine for theologians. The who's who of theology
write for this including former Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (Benedict XVI),
Hans Urs Von Balthazar, Hildebrand ... you get the drift.
5. EWTN: The largest Christian broadcasting entity in the world with 24/7
TV and radio.
6. National Fellowship of Catholic Men: site with things of interest
regarding living a faith filled life for men.
7. Our Lady Star of the Sea, Bremerton: My Church's website
8. Catholic Answers: Catholic apologetics site. Their radio program which
is broadcast on EWTN radio was instrumental in helping me to
understand the truths of the Catholic faith.
9. Coming Home Network: a site with lots of essays written by converts
where they describe their journeys from other Christian traditions, non
Christian religions, and even athiests. They also have a radio program on
EWTN called "The Journey Home". The site is run by a convert who used
to be a pastor in a Presbyterian church.
10. Official Vatican Website: lots of stuff at this English language site. You
can even read through everything that every Pope from the last couple of
hundred years has written.

More links to follow as I rebuild my list.


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